Thursday, May 21, 2015

NOT another yoga blog entry!

I am a yogini.  I have been for many years.  Yoga grounds me, helps to release physical tension and allows me to function in the external world.  It will always be a part of my life.  Yoga is the best friend and teacher I will ever have.  I could go on and on about the benefits of yoga, how I got into it, what my personal practice looks like, etc., but this is not another yoga blog entry!  

A few months ago I went with a friend to a High Intensity Interval Training class, also known as HIIT.  HIIT is a training idea in which low to moderate intensity intervals are alternated with high intensity intervals.  HIIT can be applied to running, jumping, or to exercises such as squatting. HIIT is considered to be much more effective than normal cardio because it's more intense and you are able to increase both your aerobic and anaerobic endurance while burning more fat than ever before.  According to Muscle Media, "HIIT has been shown to burn adipose tissue more effectively than low-intensity exercise - up to 50% more efficiently.  It has also been shown to speed up your metabolism which helps you burn more calories throughout the day."  Yes please!

I've worked out on my own in gyms for years.  I do some cardio, maybe some light weights.  I've never really followed a set routine or kept track of anything.  In my HIIT class, for the first time ever I started doing things such as burpees, push ups, pull ups, and star jumps.  In the beginning it was hard work and my body was sore pretty regularly.  Soon I noticed a visual change in my body and a whole lot more strength in my yoga practice.  I was fascinated by what my body could do!      

Almost right away, I began to look forward to my workouts.  Each day is completely different!  It's nearly impossible to get bored.  The trainers provide the right amount of motivation and the workouts are only 50 minutes.  I feel like I've found the perfect combination for myself between this and yoga. Sometimes I just feel the need to sweat and work some shit out!  HIIT workouts allow me to do this in a fun and safe way.  I have also made friends and gained new connections as a result of this new regime in my life.  The vibe is always positive and supportive. 

I would never replace this kind of super physical exercise for my lifelong friend I call yoga, but just like anything else I think it's important to evolve and grow.  I encourage you take a class and try something new!  Think outside the box (or off the yoga mat).  I had no idea I would love HIIT workouts so much.  They have have changed the way I look at exercise, and have been a huge inspiration in my life.       

Monday, May 18, 2015

Round of Applause

What's your opinion on clapping in yoga class?  Read this article I wrote about it here.

Grace and Grit: Moving Into Yoga

I wrote this article a few years ago. It's honest, raw, and very personal. It was my first published article and probably my favorite. Hope you enjoy it. Check it out here and feel free to comment.